High precision inclinometers are designed to measure horizontal and vertical angular inclination with virtually infinite resolution.
Our inclinometers provide reliable, highly accurate, tilt and inclination measurements and are used in demanding military and
industrial applications where high precision angular measurements are essential.
inclinometer production is associated with custom products to meet a customer's specific angular or tilt measurement application.
Typical applications include:
- Road and pavement grading
- Tilting train control
- Bore-hole mapping, dam and rock shifts, and other geophysical, seismic and civil engineering studies
- Rail track monitoring
- Optical sighting equipment
- Satellite Antenna dish alignment platform leveling and position
- High Accuracy ,Robust and Precision platform leveling
- Level control of machines and structures
- Safety control of cranes and lifting equipment
- Machinery and structural alignment
- Pipeline leveling setting tilt
- Ballast transfer systems for offshore barges, ships and other Marine applications
- Structural Health Monitoring
- Continuous Casting Mold Alignment
- Railway Maintenance Equipment
- Mobile and Stationary Antenna Aiming

Single Axis Servo LSI Inclinometer
Available ranges of ±14.5°, ±30°, ±90°, High level, 5-Volt analog DC-output signal, proportional to sine of the angle of tilt Incorporates...

Dual Axis Inclinometer T820 Series
23mm diameter cylindrical housing with precision angular alignment feature Ranges ±14.5° to ±60° Input voltage options: bi-polar : ±12 to...

Single Axis Rugged Servo T935 Series
Fully self contained and compact – connect to a DC power source and a readout or control device for a complete operating system Ranges ±1° to...

Single Axis Rugged Servo LSOC/P Inclinometer
Available ranges from ±1° to ±90° Resolution to 0.1 arc second (0.00003 degrees) High level ±5 VDC output proportional to sine of the angle of...

Single Axis Rugged Servo LSOC/P 'L' Inclinometer
Fully self-contained - connect to a DC power source and a readout or control device for a complete operating system 4-20mA proportional to sine...

Single Axis Rugged Servo LSW Inclinometer
Available in ranges from ±3° to ±90° Stainless steel construction Weatherproof to IP67 Waterproof molded connector/cable system – field replaceable...

Single Axis Rugged Servo T435 'L' Inclinometer
Fully self-contained - connect to a DC power source and a readout or control device for a complete operating system 4-20mA proportional to sine...

Dual Axis Rugged Servo T233/T235 Inclinometer
Available in ranges from ±1° to ±90° Resolution to 0.1 arc second (0.00003 degrees) Compact, dual axis (x and y) Operating temperature range...

Digital Servo Inclinometer Single and Dual Axis
Resolution better than 0.001° Total accuracy 0.08° over -20°C to +70°C (-4 to +158°F) Mechanical shock survivability to 1,000g 0.5ms half sine...

Single and Dual Axis T700 Inclinometer
The Sherborne Sensors' T700 range of Solid State Inclinometers measure inclination proportional to sine of angle in single or dual axes. The...

DMEMS Miniature Digital Inclinometer
Miniature Digital Inclinometer High Accuracy, tecnology MEMS, digital output RS-485

Digital Tilt Indicators
Designed to take an output from any Sherborne Sensors gravity referenced inclinometer, provide necessary trigonometric conversions, and display...

- Robotik ve Otonom Sistemler için Yüksek güvenirlikte MEMS IMU sensorler
- Real time on-device calculation of sensor orientation ,lineer acceleration and altitude
- Integration of 3-axis Gyro,3-axis accelerometer and 3-axis magnetometer ,temperature and pressure sensor in one unit
- Data output rate up to 400Hz
- Variety of interfaces CAN Bus , USB or RS232 or RS422
- Low noise, robust design
- 32 -bit digital signal processor
- Water proof IP67 Optional
- Wireless communication via Bluetooth or BLE
- Control applications and SDK for Windows and Linux or Mobile platforms (Android,İos)
- OEM open case versions available
Ataletsel Ölçüm Birimleri (IMU)
- LPMS-B2 / LPMS-B2 OEM : Atalet ölçüm birimi (IMU / AHRS),Mikro USB/SM02B-SURS-TF Bağlantılı
- LPMS-U2 Serisi : Atalet ölçüm birimi (IMU / AHRS),USB, CAN Veri Yolu, RS232 veya TTL arayüzü
- LPMS-AL2 Serisi: Atalet ölçüm birimi (IMU / AHRS),USB, CAN Veri Yolu, RS232 veya TTL arayüz
- LPMS-IG1 Serisi: Atalet ölçüm birimi( IMU/ AHRS), USB/CAN/RS232 Bağlantısı ve isteğe bağlı GPS
- LPMS-CURS2 : Atalet ölçüm birimi (IMU / AHRS),USB, CAN Veri Yolu ve UART Bağlantılı OEM Sürüm
- LPMS-ME1 : Atalet ölçüm birimi (IMU / AHRS),UART, I2C ve SPI çıkış arayüzleri
- LPMS-NAV2-RS232 : RS232 Arayüzü ,IP67 , Nav. İçin Hareket Sensörü (Tek eksenli)
Sanal Gerçeklik / Artırılmış Gerçeklik İzleme Çözümleri AR/VR İzleme
- LPVR-CAD: Sürükleyici 3D Görselleştirme için Konum Tabanlı AR / VR İzleme Çözümü
Uyumlu HMD’ler (HTC VIVE Pro, Valf Dizini, Varjo VR-1 / VR-2 / XR-1 )
Uyumlu optik izleme sistemleri ( ART, Optitrack, VICON, VRPN tabanlı izleme çözümleri)
- LPVR-DUO: Diferansiyel IMU Tabanlı Araç İçi Sanal / VR için LPVR Orta Katman Yazılım
Uyumlu HMD'ler ( HTC VIVE Pro, Varjo VR-1 / VR-2 / XR-1 )
Uyumlu optik izleme sistemler ( ART, Optitrack, VICON, VRPN tabanlı izleme çözümleri)
AGV Navigasyon Sistemleri
LPMS-IG1 / LPMS-IG1P yüksek hassasiyetli 9 eksenli atalet ölçüm ünitesi (CANBUS arayüzü)
Motion Capture
LPMOCAP: Üst Vücut İnsan Hareket Yakalama Sistemi

FORTASA Memory Systems
Fortasa's Industrial High Rel Flash Memory storage products offer a wide range of platform choices to any Embedded Industrial Application.
Consisting of Industrial Grade PC Memory Card, Secure Digital, microSD, CFast and CompactFlash cards, PATA/IDE, PCIe, SATA and USB interface options, Fortasa Flash Storage Products come in multiple physical form factors, connector and housing choices to give the broadest standard product selection to fit most customer needs.
Custom OEM müşteriye ve uygulamaya özel SSD çözümleri
En Geniş ürün yelpazesi
- Special Commands or Features – Data Protection, Thermal Sensor, etc.
- Advanced Security Features – CryptoErase, Military Purge, Suicide Commands
- Custom Form Factor to Fit Specific Board Requirements
- Other Value Added Services:
- Device pre-programming / Image pre-loading
- Custom Labeling
- Bill Of Material (BOM) locking
- Leaded Solder Connections
- Conformal Coating
- High speed electrical design and simulation
- Mechanical, shock, vibration and thermal design and analysis – using FEA capability
- Advanced package design
- Strong expertise in Multi-Chip Modules and 3D stacking
- Laminate and ceramic substrates
- Rigid-Flex substrates
- Wire Bond and SMT experience

BYNAV is a reliable developer and provider of high-precision GNSS products such as GNSS/GPS recceivers, GNSS/INS systems and GNSS IC.
Hunan BYNAV Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the development of GNSS high-precision positioning core components, and is committed to providing reliable high-precision positioning in demanding environments. With GNSS signal processing algorithm, RTK algorithm and multi-source fusion algorithm as the core, the company has formed a series of products such as GNSS chip, high-precision board, high-precision receiver and integrated navigation system, and it is used in automatic driving, driving test and measurement. The fields of surveying, aerospace and industrial control have been widely used.
C1 GNSS OEM Receiver
Based on Bynav GNSS Baseband ASIC Alita and RFIC Ripley GNSS RFIC
GNSS Boards
Bynav In-house developed GNSS ASICs support full-system multİband
X1 GNSS/INS Receiver
Dual-Antenna RTK Positioning and Orientation GNSS+INS
X2 Automotive Grade Positioning Unit

The leader in next generation Spin Transfer Torque Magnetic RAM (STT-MRAM) technology, accepted as the front runner to replace traditional Flash, SRAM, and DRAM for unified architecture support in aerospace and defense, industrial, storage and other high reliability applications.
- Specializing in advanced MRAM, shipping in volume for >3 years with a simpler manufacturing process
- than incumbent MRAM and FRAM technologies.
- Pin-Compatible, industry standard parallel & serial configurations
- Easy upgrade path to higher densities – futureproof designs
Technical Advantages:
- Speed & interface characteristics of SRAM, but the non-volatility of flash
- Built from ground up for high-reliability applications:
- Multibit error correction in embedded ECC engine means no external ECC or wear leveling required
- Highest data endurance (1014 write cycles), so ideal for data logging applications
- Highest density offering, up to 32Mb today; >16Gb in 2023
- Lowest standby current with no wakeup time